Friday, November 7, 2008

It’s Better to Light a Candle than Spend an Evening with Overhead Fluorescents

Part I

A recent study revealed that the Danes are the happiest people in the world. Since the survey results came out, people have been trying to understand why the Danish are so delighted to be alive. After all, didn’t we grow up with the belief that Sweden was the suicide capital of the world because it was dark all of the time? Well Denmark and Sweden share some of the same latitudes so shouldn’t the Danish be dark and depressed too? Perhaps there is something about smørrebrød that elates the spirit or maybe it is mermaid statues in harbors that makes the soul sing. Whatever it is that the Danes and the other Scandinavians have, (btw the Swedes are a pretty happy lot themselves, they rank far down the list on suicides, but deep down we already knew this because they have Abba and who can overdose to Dancing Queen?) they at least have a way to make the most out of the darkness.

How do the Danish and their Scandinavian neighbors, not only survive, but seem to thrive in an environment which many people fear too difficult because it is too dark. Perhaps it is more of what they don’t do that works so well. Walking in and out of shops and cafes in Copenhagen on a dark December afternoon, you are not overwhelmed with a harsh contrast of brightly lit interiors. Rather you are welcomed inside to an inviting and cozy atmosphere that wraps you in a warm glow of candlelight. Of course we have all enjoyed a candlelit meal at a nice restaurant, but for the Scandinavians an evening by candlelight is not just a special occasion, for them this is a way of life.

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