Thursday, April 2, 2009

How Your Work Space Design Affects Your Profits.

Gensler’s 2008 Workplace Survey shows that the physical work environment is an asset with a specific and quantifiable impact on business success. The results showed that top performing companies - those with higher profits, better employee engagement and stronger market and brand position - have significantly higher-performing
work environments than average companies.
- Gensler 2008 Work Place Survey

Looking for new ways to boost your profits? Consider the design of your work space. International architecture firm Gensler, surveyed companies in both the UK and USA to try to understand how the design of the work space influences the success of a business. Their most recent survey provides tangible evidence which links well designed work places to profitability, revenue growth and a strong corporate brand.

Distinguishing top performing companies from average ones; (based on criteria such as financial strength, brand identity and ability to attract and retain top talent) the survey’s results demonstrate that companies with the most effective work places are the most successful businesses.

So what does this all mean to you? You can consider your won work environment and whether or not it is moving your business forward or holding it back. Begin with an examination of your space on a functional level. Does your work place actually work? Is it safe and comfortable, does it allow you to perform the tasks that you need to do without the distractions of disorganization, physical discomfort or acoustical and visual privacy issues? Does your space balance your needs of focus and silent work with collaboration and socializing?

Setting up your workspace to function is key, but to be a top performing business, it is not enough on its own. How does your work space reflect you values and goals as an individual and as an organization? Ask yourself what inspires you, and gives you the creative and competitive edge, and are these qualities included in the space where you want to perform?

Time spent considering these factors can help you create, innovate and succeed by putting yourself into an environment which supports your goals and can bring your business to a higher level of performance.

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